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揭阳Social Responsibility Management System

2021-04-15 18:47:30
揭阳Social Responsibility Management System

Test item: SA8000 social responsibility management system

Social Responsibility Management System

The social responsibility standard "SA8000", short for Social Accountability 8000 International standard, is the world's first international standard of ethics. Its purpose is to ensure that the products supplied by suppliers meet the requirements of social responsibility standards. The SA8000 standard is applicable to companies of different sizes in any industry all over the world. Its basis is the same as the ISO9000 quality management system and ISO14000 environmental management system, which are a set of international standards that can be audited by third-party certification agencies.

The emergence of SA8000 is not only the cause of humanistic and social development, that is, with the development of social economy, all walks of life are concerned about labor protection. At the same time, it is also a product of the unbalanced competitive landscape in the international market. Although ethics and international trade belong to two completely different fields, after the end of the Cold War, the world’s political and economic patterns have undergone tremendous changes. The take-off of newly industrialized countries has caused developed countries to lose their advantages in the international market of traditional products. In many fields, newly industrialized countries have become competitors of developed countries. In order to contain the means and ways for developing countries to increase their competitiveness, some developed countries seek to build various non-tariff trade barriers.

In the international commodity market, cheap labor-intensive product manufacturing countries export a large number of their cheap products to developed countries’ markets, impacting the domestic markets of developed countries. It is in this context that developed countries such as the United States and Europe treat labor standards against their counterparts. Linked to the Generalized Preference System implemented by developing countries. With the permission and support of the government, SA8000 has a trend from private barriers to government barriers (Li Youhuan, 2006). With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the division of labor between my country and the international community has become closer and closer. Liang Guiquan (2004) believes that the implementation of the corporate social responsibility movement in China is a direct result of the direct impact of economic globalization on China and China's accession to the WTO.

From a global perspective, corporate social responsibility is promoted by two social forces. One force is the labor movement against the globalization of capital. The intensification of labor-management conflicts and the decline of labor status have made labor organizations require the implementation and implementation of international labor standards in enterprises to protect labor rights. Another social force is the implementation of the "Labor and Trade Barrier" SA8000. Cheap products in developing countries constitute an impact on the markets and employment of developed countries. The developed countries in Europe and the United States attempt to link up with international trade through social provisions in order to weaken the comparative advantages of developing countries and implement trade protection and non-tariff barriers. TS system

The development of the times has made people pay more attention to culture to an unprecedented height. The implementation of the so-called corporate social responsibility standard SA8000 is a collision of global culture and values. Tian Feng (2004) believes that corporate culture is the core of corporate social responsibility construction and guides the value orientation of corporate social responsibility construction. The growing global corporate social responsibility movement is to encourage companies to repay the society with ethical and moral actions while enjoying the freedom and opportunities granted by the society. Global corporate social responsibility and corporate culture complement each other, influence each other, and develop together.

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Email: bctc@bctc-lab.com.cn

Guangdong Headquarters Laboratory Address: Building B, Pengzhou Industrial Park, Fuyuan Road, Zhancheng Community, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

Shenzhen Branch Laboratory Address: Pengyuan 1 Building, No. 18, Lilang Road, Lilang Community, Nanwan Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

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