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揭阳CE certification

2021-04-15 18:18:59
揭阳CE certification

Certification items: CE certification

CE certification

In the EU market, the "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark. Whether it is a product produced by an EU enterprise or a product produced in another country, if you want to circulate freely on the EU market, you must affix the "CE" mark to indicate the product It complies with the basic requirements of the EU Directive "New Methods of Technical Coordination and Standardization". This is a mandatory requirement of EU law on products. 

CE certification is the "main requirement" that constitutes the core of the European Directive, that is, it is limited to the basic safety requirements of products that do not endanger the safety of humans, animals and goods, rather than general quality requirements. The harmonized directive only specifies the main requirements, and the general directive requirements are standards. Task. Therefore, the precise meaning is: the CE mark is a safety conformity mark rather than a quality conformity mark.

EU CE certificate issuing authority:

(1) The Declaration of conformity / Declaration of compliance issued by the company itself. This certificate is a self-declaration and should not be issued by a third-party agency (intermediary or testing certification agency). Therefore, the EU format can be used Replaced by the Enterprise "Declaration of Conformity".

(2) Certificate of compliance / Certificate of compliance "Certificate of Compliance", this is a declaration of compliance issued by a third-party agency (intermediary or testing certification agency), must be accompanied by technical data TCF such as test reports, and at the same time, the company must also sign "Declaration of Conformity."

(3) EC Attestation of conformity "Certificate of Conformity to EU Standards", this is a certificate issued by the EU Notified Body (Notified Body abbreviated as NB). According to EU regulations, only NB is eligible to issue a CE declaration of EC Type. CEC certification

The EU CE certification process is as follows:

1. The manufacturer submits an oral or written preliminary application to the relevant agency.

2. The applicant fills in the CE-application form, and sends the application form, technical structure documents, and samples to the institution.

3. The applicant issues a fee notice, and the applicant pays the certification fee according to the fee notice.

4. Carry out product testing and review the technical documents. If the product fails the test, the testing will be completed within approximately 7 working days.

5. The applicant signs the CE guarantee self-declaration and attaches the CE mark on the product.

6. A certificate confirmation is issued to check the certificate information. After the certificate is confirmed, the test report can be issued in about 3 working days.

7. Send the test report, certificate and CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC) to the applicant and the certification work is now complete.

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Email: bctc@bctc-lab.com.cn

Guangdong Headquarters Laboratory Address: Building B, Pengzhou Industrial Park, Fuyuan Road, Zhancheng Community, Fuhai Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen

Shenzhen Branch Laboratory Address: Pengyuan 1 Building, No. 18, Lilang Road, Lilang Community, Nanwan Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen

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